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Why I Joined The Ship 30 for 30 Program

I recently signed up for Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole’s cohort-based course, Ship 30 for 30. Here are a few reasons why.

I want to shift from being a consumer to being a producer

I’m always looking for content to consume that makes me a better person at the things I do.

If there is a skill I want to learn or a topic I want to learn more about, I seek out content on that topic and inhale it.

I think there is a balance where you produce as much as you consume and I want to achieve that balance

Everyone should produce as much as they consume and that is one of my reason for joining the Ship 30 for 30 program.

I need to establish a daily discipline of content creation

To do our best work we need a system to follow with simple steps that are repeatable.

The structure and approach to writing starting today will help me develop a new habit of production that will serve me well in the future

Having structure and discipline around creation is something I’m looking forward to establishing in my daily routine

I want to leverage this new skill to produce content in other types of media

The essays that I write daily can help me work on thoughts and ideas I have that want to further develop. Once an essay is done, it can be repurposed into a podcast by recording it, into a video with some cool photography, or a digital product that can be distributed to others through the internet.

Over the next 30 days, I plan on writing about starting a business at age 50, executive search and recruiting, personal development, and my life experiences.

Join me on this adventure—and let me know if you have any questions along the way!

I’m excited to start sharing what I know online.

Make the Best You Have the Best There Is

How do you take what you have and make it the best there is? You have to believe in yourself and believe that your God-given gifts can transform your life and the lives of others into what they should be.

In order to become world-class at anything, you have to believe you can become world-class. What is world-class anyway?  Chris Gardner, the businessman and focus of the movie The Pursuit of Happiness starring Will Smith, said that being world-class is when your name comes up as the solution to a problem.  When people associate you with solving their problem you have become world-class.

To achieve this, you must start with the understanding that you are uniquely qualified to do something special. Then find what that unique ability is and go. Second. Once you understand your gifts and what you have to offer the world, you have to study what you do and make a commitment to become better at it.

It is easy to become complacent when something you do comes easy to you. You may even think you don’t have to sharpen your skills. Let me tell you something. There are several companies that have gone out of business because new, innovative startups came on the scene and took market share from the incumbents.

You have to keep innovating and reinventing yourself to stay relevant, but start with learning all you can about your craft. Then you have to tell everyone what it is that you do and see if you can help someone else be successful. If you’re able to do that, then the people you help will tell others. Those people will tell others.

Then those people will tell others. That is how you start building your reputation and personal brand in your industry by providing value to enough people to get them talking about you. You want to have your name associated with the solution to a problem that a lot of people have as an. I am an adjunct instructor at two universities because I love teaching and I love explaining complex IT related topics to students.

Because of what I teach, I get asked a lot of questions about computers, IT startups, and technology in general. I’ve done interviews for the local news. I’ve been featured in magazines, and I continue to demystify complex topics in this space for my students. I’m not only working on being world class in the classroom, I am working at being world class at my job as an IT manager and in life as a dad and husband.

The question is what is your gift? What is the one thing you have that everyone needs and wants? What is the very thing that if you don’t provide it to the world, the world will continue to? That is the thing that you have to cultivate and put effort into so that you can produce a world-class product or service and become a world-class solution that everyone is aware of.

When you do that, you will have taken the best you have and made it the best there is.

Pain is A Gift

As human beings, we tend to avoid pain as much as possible. Whether it’s the pain of a difficult situation or the pain of physical exercise, we try to steer clear of anything that causes discomfort. However, what if we told you that pain is actually a gift? This might seem counterintuitive, but hear us out.

A few years ago, I was working for a company and had just been promoted to a new opportunity. This new role required that I move from my current facility to the corporate headquarters building. As I was making my move back to the corporate headquarters, I saw a coworker I knew from when I first started working there years before. She worked as a security guard at the company and when I saw her, I’d always say hello and ask how things were going. She would always reply because she was a really nice person.

When I moved back to take on the new role, I noticed something different about my friend. She was 180 pounds lighter than she was when I first started working for the company. She looked amazing, healthy, happy and like she was doing really well. So I asked her, “What was the secret behind that amazing transformation she experienced?

This is what she said. “The pain of change has to be less than the pain of staying where you are.” That statement got me thinking about something that I’ve learned about the word pain. Pain is one of those things that actually can help us.

Pain comes to give you two things. First, it lets you know that something is out of order. Something is not working somewhere. If you didn’t have pain, then you wouldn’t know that something was going wrong, and that could really get worse and be really bad for your health. Pain is telling you, “Hey, something’s wrong here? You need to do something about this.” So when we talk about pain being a gift, one of the things it does is it helps us by letting us know what is out of order.

Secondly, pain represents weakness leaving the body. You cannot gain strength or get better at something without some pain of some kind. Think about a professional athlete or a bodybuilder. They push themselves to their limits, and yes, it’s painful, but that pain is what helps them grow stronger. So pain really is weakness leaving the body along with telling you that something is just not right at all.

So, what can we learn from pain? Firstly, we have to learn to embrace painful situations sometimes. Painful situations can be an opportunity for growth and development. Secondly, we have to learn to deal with pain and not run away from it. By facing our pain head-on, we can overcome it and emerge stronger on the other side. And finally, we have to learn to listen to our pain. Pain is a signal that something is not right, and by paying attention to it, we can address the underlying issues and improve our overall health and well-being.

In conclusion, pain is not something to be feared, but rather something to be embraced. It’s a gift that can help us grow and develop into our best selves. So the next time you’re faced with pain, instead of running away from it, lean into it and see what lessons it has to teach you.

Change is Inevitable but Growth is Optional

Have you ever stopped to think about what the statement “change is inevitable” really means? In a recent sermon, my pastor made a statement that really caused me to ponder this concept. He said that while change is indeed inevitable, growth is optional.

At first, I was confused. Don’t we grow when we make changes in our lives? However, as I reflected on the changes I’ve experienced at work, at home, and throughout my life, I began to see what he was getting at. Unexpected changes often reveal something about ourselves that we didn’t know before.

The choice we make in these moments is critical. We can either accept the lesson and learn from it or dismiss it as a random act with no value. But to prepare for the next unexpected event, it’s important to reflect on what we can learn from the changes we’ve already experienced.

Throughout our lives, we will all experience unexpected events or events that don’t go as planned. The question is, what can we learn from these experiences to become better people? How can we use what happened to our advantage? What is the lesson in the event that we need to learn to face the next event with a better mindset and attitude?

It’s crucial to remember that we always have the option to grow from these changes. By choosing to grow, we can become better than we were the day before and reach our full potential and purpose. Every change presents an opportunity for growth, and it’s up to us to seize that opportunity.

In summary, change is inevitable, but we can choose whether we want to grow and become better or simply dismiss these changes as random events. By embracing every change and choosing to grow, we can become the best version of ourselves and face the future with a positive and open mindset.

Navigating Unemployment: 6 Actionable Tips for Job Seekers After a Layoff

Getting fired from your job can be scary and hard, but it’s not the end of the world. Even though it’s normal to feel overwhelmed, it’s important to remember that the change from being laid off to being unemployed can be handled well. In this blog post, we’ll talk about what to do after getting fired and give candidates five things they can use to find their next job.

What to do when you lose your job

First, it’s important to know that being laid off has nothing to do with your skills or value as an employee. There are many reasons why a company might decide to let people go, such as budget cuts, reorganization, or a change in business strategy. So, it’s important not to take the layoff personally and instead turn your attention to what you can do.

Look at your money situation

The first thing to do after getting fired is to figure out how much money you have. This means taking a look at your savings, your spending, and any other ways you make money. Be honest about your money and make a budget that will keep you going while you look for a job. This will help you decide how to spend your money and keep you from going into debt.

If you can get unemployment benefits, you should apply as soon as you can. This can help you get by between jobs and give you a safety net while you’re looking for work. It can be hard to figure out how to apply for unemployment benefits, but it’s important to remember that it’s only a temporary fix for your money problems.

Update your resume and your online presence

The next step is to update your online presence and resume. Your resume should show off your skills, accomplishments, and experience in a way that is clear and interesting. You might want to change your resume for each job application and include keywords from the job posting. It’s also important to check your resume for mistakes and make sure it’s correct.

Along with your resume, it’s important to keep your online presence up-to-date. This includes keeping your LinkedIn profile and any other professional social media accounts up to date. Make sure that your online presence matches your resume and makes you look good.

Make connections and reach out to people

Getting to know people is an important part of looking for a job. Reach out to your contacts and let them know you’re looking for a job. Go to job fairs and events in your field to meet people who work in that field. This can help you learn more about the job market, find out about jobs that are open, and meet people who can help you.

Think about joining professional groups, going to conferences in your field, and joining online forums. This can help you meet more people and improve your chances of getting a job.

Set goals and priorities that are doable

When looking for a job, it is important to set goals and priorities that are realistic. Figure out what kind of job you want, how much money you need, and what your ideal work environment would be. Be honest with yourself about the job market and the options in your field.

It’s important to put your job applications in order of importance and focus on opportunities that match your goals and priorities. This will save you time and energy and make it more likely that you’ll find a job that works for you.

Mind your physical and mental health

The process of looking for a job can be difficult and stressful, so it’s important to take care of your mental and physical health. This means working out, eating well, getting enough sleep, and asking friends and family for help. Take breaks from looking for a job and do things you like to keep your mind healthy.

Also, if you have anxiety, depression, or any other mental health problem, you might want to talk to a professional. This can help you handle your feelings and deal with the difficulties of looking for a job.

It’s Never Too Late to Start a Business at 50

If you are over 50 and have lost your job, it can be scary to think about starting your own business. But it is never too late to try something new, no matter how old you are. In this blog post, we’ll look at why starting a business in your 50s can be both rewarding and successful.

Why starting a business at 50 or older is a good idea

It’s true that running your own business takes hard work, dedication, and the ability to take risks. But there are many good things about starting a business in your 50s. For example, you’ve lived long enough to be able to make good decisions about your business. You can also use your existing contacts and relationships to find new customers or business partners. You may also already have the money you need to start a business, such as savings or investments that you can use as startup capital.

You may also have a more comfortable lifestyle than younger entrepreneurs because you’ve been working for a long time and have saved for retirement. This gives you more financial security so you can put more money into growing your business without having to worry about paying your rent or buying groceries. Lastly, older entrepreneurs often say that they feel more fulfilled when they take control of their careers and become their own boss after being laid off or having other bad things happen in their careers.

How to Start a Business After You Turn 50

No matter how old you are when you start a business, there are a few things you should remember before you get started:

  • Do a lot of research on the industry you want to get into. Make sure you know everything about the industry, including the competition, trends, rules, and customer needs, so that your business can stand out from others that offer similar products or services.
  • Formulate a solid plan – Write down your ideas and make a plan so you know what steps you need to take each day, week, or month to move your business goals forward. 
  • Ask for advice. Talk to other business owners who have started businesses after 50 (or even before!) and done well. Ask them about the steps they took and any problems they ran into along the way. Doing this will give you a better idea of how other entrepreneurs over 50 overcame problems on their way to success.


You can definitely start a business after 50! Anyone of any age can start a business that does well with hard work, dedication, and a few helpful tips. By using resources they already have, like contacts or savings accounts, and doing research on the industry they want to get into, older entrepreneurs can have great success when they take control of their own lives after being laid off or having other career problems. Good luck!

Are You Ready to Discover Your Life’s True Purpose?

Leaving your corporate career and discovering your life’s true purpose can be a daunting task. After years of stability and routine, taking the jump into an almost completely unknown future can seem overwhelming. But starting a business and pursuing your dreams can be incredibly rewarding. With the right resources and guidance, you can unlock hidden potential and create something entirely new.

The feeling of discovering what makes you come alive is uniquely powerful but requires hard work and dedication. To help you get there, here are some tips on how to take that first step:

  • Take stock of what you have already achieved: It’s easy to focus on all the things we haven’t done, but it’s important to recognize all the successes we have accumulated over time. Acknowledging everything from major milestones to small achievements will give you the confidence needed to embark on your new journey.
  • Start networking with other entrepreneurs: Networking with people who are already living their dreams is a great way to find inspiration for your own life’s purpose. Don’t discount anyone as each connection that you make is another door towards progress opening up in front of you. You never know who may connect you with just the right person or opportunity that could take things further!
  • Focus on acquiring knowledge: Knowledge is power so don’t be afraid to invest in yourself and build the skillset necessary for success in whatever field it is that you are looking to delve into! Learning new things may seem intimidating at first, but it unlocks doors of opportunity when applied correctly – keep an open mind an experiment fearlessly!
  • Explore what possibilities were not available before: Corporate careers often restrict our creativity but venturing out on our own gives us access to opportunities previously inaccessible before — leverage this newfound freedom by exploring different paths which could lead towards something bigger than ever before imagined! Tap into existing networks or start from scratch – there’s no wrong answer if it helps grow closer to achieving one’s goals and ambitions!
  • Let go of any guilt or negative feelings associated with changing course: We all carry regrets from times past which is natural — however letting go of any guilt associated with pivoting away from one path towards another will help bring clarity going forward! Don’t get stuck looking back; forge ahead towards a brighter tomorrow filled with endless possibilities instead
Taking steps into uncertainty may seem overwhelming, but pursuing what makes us come alive is worth every second invested in pursuit of finding our real career ambition — staying true to ourselves yields far greater reward than blindly adhering to somebody else’s plans for our lives (no matter how well-meant those intentions might be). Nobody knows where the journey may lead — prepare accordingly while embracing each moment knowing that anything could happen next!


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