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Need a business idea to start? Create your own media company today

I love to follow folks like Gary Vee and Grant Cardone. They have big personalities and usually have something useful to say on their platforms.

One idea that came to me while listening to a podcast was that everyone could start a media company as their first entrepreneurial venture. I totally agree with this (which is one reason I signed up for the Ship 30 for 30 program) so here is how you can create your own company

Figure Out What Kind of Media/Content You Want to Create

I’m going to use the terms media and content interchangeably here.

There are 3 basic types of media you can create: written, audio, and video. Written content could be a blog, a book, or an article that you publish on your platform and other people’s platforms. If you like to talk you could create a podcast or audiobooks. If you like to be on camera or work a camera then YouTube might be your thing.

Think about which type of content you are comfortable creating and decide to start your media company now.

Figure Out What You Want to Put Out There and Who You Want to Serve

I’m going to be creating content for an audience I developed a passion for: people who are mid-career or mid-life and lose a job or have to make a big change in their career and go a different direction they didn’t plan. For this audience, I want to share my story of how I left engineering and information technology and now own and operate my own executive search firm placing executives in nonprofit organizations. Sharing my process and experience will hopefully help those who struggle with this pivot point in life move forward. All my media and content I create will go to serve them in my media company.

Start Creating and Marketing The Media

Come up with a cool name for your company and start creating the media under that name. My media company is called DEJ Media (because my initials are DEJ) and everything I’m making is now going to be a part of that company. All my writing, my podcast that is in the works, my book that I’m working on, and any videos I capture will be a part of that entity.

Build Your Audience Through Email and Continue to Give Them Value

As you start to share your content with people try to capture feedback and their email addresses for your mailing list. Once you have that you can market other things to that list down the road. For now, focus on creating high-quality content and sharing your message with the world. Make sure you are not just making noise but generating value for those that follow you.

Study the Process of Creating Content and Get Better At It With the Feedback You Receive

This is a shameless plug for the Ship 30 for 30 Program.

I’m almost done with the 30 days of daily writing which has been a tremendous experience. I’m using everything I learned to continue my daily habit of creating media/content and pushing it out there. I now have a library of content, tools, templates, and a habit to keep producing. The better I get the more I’ll produce that I can eventually market as digital products and services. For now, I’m going to continue learning how to write digitally and you should do the same

I look forward to publishing more posts, recording more podcasts, and creating videos as an output of my media company. If you want help with this for your own set up follow me and send me a DM. I would love to talk it over with you.

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