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One of My Greatest Jobs on Earth is being a Grandfather

Everyone has had jobs they liked and jobs they hated. I’ve had my fair share of great working opportunities and dreaded dungeons in a cubicle.

One of my greatest jobs on the planet today is being a grandfather. I am affectionately known as “Pop Pop” to a beautiful 1-year-old girl.

Here is what I get to do with her:

Spoil her rotten

Anytime she coughs or cries an Amazon truck shows up. I get to give her all the cool things she needs and it is fun. She has a baby Keurig that makes bottles of formula (that thing is so cool)

Spend time with her

Now that I’m closer to her parents I get to see her often. I sometimes pick her up from school and we come home to hang out. She is the cutest thing and I just love her.

Create a Legacy For Her

She is the Chief Cuteness Officer for the executive search firm that I own. Yes, she has a job. And she is a part of our marketing (follow me on Linkedin and you will see her from time to time.) Because she is an employee I get to build a business that one day she could own. That would be something to see down the road.

This by far is one of my greatest jobs. I plan to work at it for the rest of life and I don’t plan on retiring from it. Time to go pick up my grandbaby.

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