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One of My Greatest Jobs on Earth is being a Grandfather

Everyone has had jobs they liked and jobs they hated. I’ve had my fair share of great working opportunities and dreaded dungeons in a cubicle.

One of my greatest jobs on the planet today is being a grandfather. I am affectionately known as “Pop Pop” to a beautiful 1-year-old girl.

Here is what I get to do with her:

Spoil her rotten

Anytime she coughs or cries an Amazon truck shows up. I get to give her all the cool things she needs and it is fun. She has a baby Keurig that makes bottles of formula (that thing is so cool)

Spend time with her

Now that I’m closer to her parents I get to see her often. I sometimes pick her up from school and we come home to hang out. She is the cutest thing and I just love her.

Create a Legacy For Her

She is the Chief Cuteness Officer for the executive search firm that I own. Yes, she has a job. And she is a part of our marketing (follow me on Linkedin and you will see her from time to time.) Because she is an employee I get to build a business that one day she could own. That would be something to see down the road.

This by far is one of my greatest jobs. I plan to work at it for the rest of life and I don’t plan on retiring from it. Time to go pick up my grandbaby.

Is Fear Holding You Back from Becoming Your True Self? Discover the Path to Courageous Change

Some of us thought we were going to become something we dreamed of from childhood. I wanted to be an astronaut at one time which didn’t work out the way I thought.

Some people are facing new challenges as they reach a point in their careers where they need to do something different. It could be because of a layoff or because they are stagnant in their roles.

Here is a sure-fire way to take the next step to do something different:

Identifying Your Fears

Fear is a worthless emotion but can definitely control what you do.

First, acknowledge the fears you have that keep you from doing something different. It could be that you are afraid to fail. You could be scared of what people will think of your new direction.

Acknowledge the fears you have so you can deal with them

Adopting A Growth Mindset

Someone said when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change, you will change.

This can happen when you have a growth mindset. Change isn’t about just doing or being different. It is about exploring and accepting that you can do whatever you want if you want to grow.

Having a growth mindset will push you past your fears.

Put A Support System in Place

If you want to go fast go alone – if you want to go far go with others.

It is easier to start something new and different if you have people on your team who support you. Look for people that are going to be in your corner. More importantly, look for people who are going to hold you accountable for what you are trying to accomplish.

A team can make the dream happen.

You can turn the corner in your life and make great things happen for yourself. Go ahead and take the plunge. Your best ‘you’ is waiting on the other side of you making the change.

The 1 Software Tool/App I Can’t Live Without For Doing Brainstorming

Today, there is an app, website, or software platform for just about anything (including finding someone to walk your dog).

But when it comes to brainstorming there is 1 app I can’t live without:


And here’s why:

  • This is the best mindmapping software out there.Mindmapping is a nonlinear way of coming up with ideas. Everything doesn’t have to flow in a straight line. This tool helps you be providing a digital way to capture your ideas visually.
  • You can export to different formatsYou can create a mindmap for a project and then export the information to a spreadsheet or a project plan. You can create a mindmap for a book and then export it out to a document for Microsoft Word or Google Docs. This makes the tool very flexible and useful.
  • You can collaborate with team members as you brainstormThere are collaboration features that allow you to brainstorm with a team. Working with others in a digital way allows you to capture great ideas.

If you want a tool to help you be creative, can export your work to your favorite tools, and can help you collaborate with your team better, I can’t recommend using this app enough. Check it out at today.

How the Ikigai Framework Can Help You Find Purpose and Fulfillment

Years ago I discovered a framework that would help me figure out what I was on the planet and what I was designed to do.

The framework comes from the Japanese word “ikigai” which translates to “reason for being.” It has 4 parts and the intersection of those parts represents the sweet spot of your existence. Here is how it works:

What you love (your passion)

Passion is simple – it is the thing or things you just absolutely love to do.

There are so many things I love in my life. I love music, technology, making money, helping people, and single-player sports. Write down the things you really enjoy and can get immersed in for hours without thinking.

Be honest about what you are passionate about.

What you are good at (your vocation)

Vocation represents the things you are good at – even if you don’t like them.

Over time I’ve worked on and gotten better at speaking in public. I used that skill to enter the classroom as an adjunct instructor. I received an award for teaching excellence so based on that I can say that I am a good teacher

Vocation is what you do in your sleep that others say you are good at.

What the world needs (your mission)

Your mission is straightforward – it is what the world needs now.

There are too many hungry people in the world that need food. There are too many homeless people that need a place to stay. There are too many people in this world dealing with anxiety, depression, mental health, and contemplating suicide.

Your mission could be to eradicate things like these from the planet.

What you can be paid for (your profession)

Money is not the end result here but it is the tool for which the world runs.

These are activities that you do that someone is willing to pay you for that you can do. Anything from cutting grass to walking dogs to writing code to posting things on social media for a small business owner. You have some skills that can pay the bills if you think about it.

Your profession is a tool you use to help build your career.

All you have to do now is write each of these down on a sheet of paper and then think about the intersection of your vocation, mission, passion, and profession. I’m sure you can come up with some ideas you never thought of that you should take some time to explore.

3 Proven Strategies for Older Employees to Enhance Their Skills and Advance in Their Careers

The belief that older employees are less adaptable and less capable of acquiring new skills is a misconception that needs to be challenged. We continue to see a focus on the “40 under 40” in popular business publications and an emphasis on promoting and showcasing young startup founders and business professionals.

Ageism is a huge thing in the professional world and there are 3 things that seasoned workers can do to stand out:

Seek out professional development opportunities within the company.

Take a look around your organization and see if there are opportunities to get on projects so you can learn a new aspect of the company. See if you can cross-train with someone to do a new job responsibility. There are some opportunities you can take advantage of if you look.

Take online courses or attend workshops to learn new skills.

Experienced workers should continue to add skills to their toolkit to remain relevant and marketable. They should research current topics and take a class or sign up for a training session to learn more. You are never too old to take up a new skill or learn about current marketable skills.

Build a strong professional network and leverage connections for career opportunities.

Definitely learn to network and connect with people inside and outside of your organization. Have coffee with people in different departments at work to learn about their area. Attend meetups and networking groups on a topic you are interested in learning about external opportunities.

I’m sure if you do some of these things you will be able to improve your chances of enhancing your career.

New To Recruiting? Listen To This Podcast

There are a lot of podcasts on the subject of recruiting.

And honestly, I’ve tried listening to most of them.

But the one I keep coming back to, over and over again, is DGRecruit by DanDan Zhu. You can find it here:

If you are new to recruiting, here’s why I would recommend blocking an hour per week to listen and study every episode:

Reason #1: She is an expert in recruiting

She knows her stuff!

DanDan talks about all facets of recruiting from how to cold call, how to interview candidates and clients, and whether or not you should start a firm. She used practical experience to show you how the industry works. She has a lot of experience to share and is willing to share it.

Reason #2: She helps those trying to learn

I’ve personally reached out to DanDan and she did not hold back.

She gave me her best advice and didn’t charge me for it. She really wants people to be successful in this space and tries to help you navigate it with her dos and don’ts.

If you are trying to learn she is your teacher.

Reason #3: I like her in-your-face style of presenting the information

Some people make things sound pretty and easy.

She lets you have it between the eyes when it comes to what she believes in. She will tell you what she thinks about the industry, your approach to it, and what it takes to be successful. If you don’t have thick skin then I wouldn’t listen to her podcast because she is sharing a lot of gold but you have to be willing to receive it and digest it.

I’m going to continue to listen to her podcast and learn as much as I can about the recruiting industry. I suggest you do the same if you are interested in getting into it.

3 Reasons Why I Think Everyone Should Have a Side Hustle

I’ve read several books on side hustles over the years. Chris Guillebeau is one of my favorite authors in this space. I love his book $100 Startups and The Side Hustle. If you’ve read them, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

But if you haven’t, here’s why:

Reason #1: You Can Develop A Skill You Want To Have

You may be working a job that you have to have but are not fulfilled by it. The reason may be you aren’t doing things you want to do in that job.

Starting a side hustle is the best way to develop those skills. If you want to learn how to speak in front of people try to teach in a classroom as an adjunct instructor as an example.

Reason #2: You Can Have a Creative Outlet Away From the Norm

Everyone needs something away from the daily routine and grind for themselves. It helps balance you out and allows you to recover and regain strength to go back to your normal life.

Having a side hustle can help you with your creative side. You can explore and try things you wouldn’t normally try just to stimulate the right side of your brain.

Reason #3: You Can Make Some Extra Money

The focus doesn’t have to be on money but it definitely can help if you make some money from your side hustle. A lot of people need extra money for all kinds of reasons so applying your gifts and talents to a venture that can bring you some extra dollars doesn’t hurt at all.

I believe everyone should have a side hustle, from the CEO to the janitor, so they can be productive and continue to learn.

You Don’t Need A Lot To Start A Business

A lot of people who should start and operate a business don’t because they think they need a lot of stuff to do it. They think they need a lot of equipment, a lot of money, a lot of people, and a lot of office space to just start.

You can start your business with a laptop, a cell phone, and your energy

I started my executive search practice from scratch a few years ago with no office, no staff, and no outside investment. I had my energy, expertise, and vision. 3 years later I have served over 23 companies by helping them find directors, vice presidents, and CEOs. I have a brick-and-mortar office and a virtual one. I have an executive assistant now and part-time staff.

You don’t need all of the things you think you need to get started.

Figure out the problem you want to solve and find the least expensive way to solve it for your market

Ask yourself “What problem can I solve and who will pay me to solve that problem?” Then develop the solution for them and give it to them.

Creating a service is the easiest thing to start. See what kind of service you can create with your gifts and talents.

Tip #1: Find a problem to solve with a service. You were designed to solve a problem on this planet. That is why you exist so figure out what that problem is and how you would solve it.

Tip #2: Create a website to advertise your service. Someone said if you launch a perfect website then you waited too long. Get something out there and iterate its development as you learn. Use Wix, WordPress, Squarespace, or some other platform to create a home for your venture.

Tip #3: Find one customer and deliver your service. Your goal is to find someone to pay for your offering. If you can’t find someone to pay then find someone to give it to so you can figure out how to make it better. Then you can charge someone else once it is better.

Tip #4: Tell everyone you did it and do it again. Mark Cuban, the billionaire Shark Tank investor, said you only have to be right once. When you get a paying customer, then you can market your service to others and use that success story as a part of your advertising. Now you are in on your way to building your business.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you need everything in place to start your venture. Start it, learn as you go, get things as you go, and continue to refine it until it looks like your vision.

4 Techniques for Productivity While Listening to Audiobooks

These last few weeks I’ve been diving into audiobooks. I think I have listened to 8 or 9 books. Being a musician I leaned into that audio space to consume more content and it is working for me.

Here are a couple of tips if you want to get the most out of listening to audiobooks:

1. Take notes while listening

The best way to retain what you listen to is to take notes. That can be hard in the car while you are driving but I would find a way to take notes on your phone while you are listening to an audiobook.

2. Listen during commutes or exercise

The best time to listen to audiobooks is passively. If you are on the treadmill at the gym or if you are driving to work on the highway, these are times when you could be consuming audio content.

3. Use speed control to adjust playback speed

I was riding with my son and he was listening to an NPR podcast but the person was speaking really fast. I could understand them but I thought it was strange that they were talking at a high tempo. My son had the podcast set to 2X for the playback speed. He said I should try it. When I did I consumed 5 books in a week. Now I’m listening to everything at 1.5X playback speed.

4. Utilize bookmarks to mark important sections

You can set up bookmarks for different sections of the audiobook if I’m not mistaken. You can then go back to specific sections and listen to them as much as you want. Sometimes you might need to hear something again and again before you get it.

I’m so glad I learned to listen to my content in podcasts and audiobooks. Now it is time to go make a few.

The Simplest Way To Overcome Fear

Everyone struggles with fear. I’ve heard the word used in an acronym Flee Everything And Run.

Personally, I have for years dealt with my personal fears by first acknowledging them and then trying to understand why I had them.

But what changed for me was that fear is a necessary evil that gets you beyond who are think you are to who you really are. And as soon as that clicked, I started to understand that overcoming fear wasn’t that hard—I was just doing the wrong thing.

Here’s what I should have done instead:


As an example, I had the dreaded fear of speaking in front of people when I was in middle and high school. I hated it period. I was always afraid of what people thought of me when I would get up to speak or go to the board to do math problems. Then I realized that to go to better places with better opportunities I had to overcome that fear. So I faced it and started putting myself in situations where I had to speak.

That led to joining a fraternity which led to graduating which led to becoming an adjunct professor which led to becoming an entrepreneur. Being able to face and overcome fear is a superpower we all need. It doesn’t mean that you do get afraid – it means that you do whatever you are trying to do anyway.

Courage is something we all need a little more of in our lives. But to get to courage we have to step through fear. Your best life is on the other side of it.

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